6 reasons why you won’t lose weight

Probably the most explosive and The most popular topic in the fitness area is weight loss. For some it is quite clear, for others a difficult construct of many parameters, for others an absolute mystery. In this article, I’ll show you the 6 main reasons I often observe and are responsible for preventing you from losing weight.

1. Lack of overview

The greatest motivation and the most iron will are of little use if it is unclear what and how much is actually eaten. Probably the most decisive and most common ‘mistake’ that means that you do not lose weight is that you lack an overview of the food consumed.

It is therefore worthwhile to take a closer look at calories and macronutrients. A good tip for this is to take a look at the list of ingredients for foods more often and to get an overview of what you actually make it available to your body every day. If you want to lose weight and get fit at the same time, you would do well to aim for a suitable ratio of carbohydrates, protein and fat in your diet. Take a look at my blog article on macronutrient distribution.

Die optimal distribution of macronutrients is calculated individually for all my clients. If you want to lose weight, you need an intelligent diet that is tailored to your goal. If you are interested in your personal nutritional concept, please have a look at my Offers um.

A generally good tip is to fill yourself up with good food 3 to 4 times a day eat instead of consuming little things in between. This gives the body enough time to digest the food and rebalance the blood sugar level. In any case, you’ll be full and satisfied until your next meal.

2. Exceptions

Exceptions are usually special – and what would life be without peculiarities … Nevertheless, you should be careful what you add to your body on the side, sometimes unconsciously. Several times a week a few pieces of chocolate or sweetened drinks extra – what seems quite harmless, can cost you the progress of half a week to a week’s diet. That sounds exaggerated? Not at all. Here is a striking calculation example:

Max wants to lose weight, so he is on a diet and saves 200 kcal per day – that would be 1400 kcal at the end of the week (around 200 grams of body fat).

Monday to Saturday he adheres to his diet, on Sunday he eats a large piece of Black Forest cherry cake as a ‘reward’ and drinks a caramel latte macchiato. That is about 700 kcal together. In the evening he snacks a 100-gram pack of roasted peanuts. This means that he consumes another 700 kcal. That is a total of 1400 additional kcal, which you have to compare with the original 1400 kcal.

Max is done with Compensated for one week’s calorie deficit. The result: his weight stagnated, although he strictly adhered to his diet from Monday to Saturday. ☹

3. Underestimated exercise

Exercising in the gym, exerting yourself on the jogging lap – and what about the rest? The reason why you may not lose weight any further is that exercise is often underestimated in everyday life, for example taking the stairs instead of the elevator, switching from a car to a bike or walking from A to B. The difference between someone who is often on their feet in everyday life and someone who sits most of the time can be a few hundred calories a day (!). This can therefore have a strong influence on the progress of a diet.

Those who exercise a lot provide their body with other advantages: For example, going for a walk is not only good for burning a few extra calories , but also to stimulate the circulation and much more – So feel free to walk a few more meters and take the stairs more often.

4. Overestimated movement

Wait a minute – didn’t you just say that movement is underestimated? Yes. But it can also be the case that those who want to lose weight overestimate sport. Often times, exercise has not burned nearly as many additional calories as one might think. As a result, you quickly eat more than you have consumed and thus exceed your calorie requirement. This works in a similar way to the above example.

In connection with this, I would like to give the following advice:

​​ Always consider your diet and your training separately from each other. Trying to balance exercise with diet or diet with exercise requires a very high level of discipline and in most cases makes very little sense.

To put it simply, you could view nutrition as a unit for optimal energy and nutrient supply and training or movement as another unit for active work that strengthens body and mind. They are very dependent on one another, but should not be compared with one another or replaced by the other unit. In the right combination they are unbeatable for your health, physical and mental performance, posture, your self-confidence etc.

5. Stress

Stress, also unconscious stress, is omnipresent these days and can no longer be discussed away from everyday life. This is a very complex subject that will only be touched upon briefly here.
Although stress has a negative effect on many processes in the body, one should not try to avoid it, but learn to deal with it in a targeted manner. Stress releases hormones – such as cortisol – which, among other things, can have a negative effect on diet success.


​​A simple, but an effective tip to lower the stress hormone level is once again to go for a walk. The cortisol is actively broken down by exercise, it also helps against tiredness and fatigue and strengthens the immune system. So that you can get to know the many other advantages, I have linked my blog article on the topic of going for a walk ‘here.

6. Hormonal problems

There are people who (cannot) lose weight despite a calorie deficit – for example due to a hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) an insufficient production of hormones by the thyroid gland, which can make it impossible to lose weight or even result in weight gain. So if you feel exhausted excessively often, do not know why you are not losing weight despite various diet attempts.

As you have probably heard many times, the success of a diet depends on the calorie deficit: If you want to lose weight, you have to consume less energy than your body needs. Only then does he make more use of his reserves; only then do you lose weight. If you are not losing weight, look at the individual points mentioned and consider which ones you can possibly improve. Overall, it is always advisable to deal a little more with your diet and to question your own exercise routine. Then nothing stands in the way of your project.

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